Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Rudy does an old job with a new spin.
Today while I was being led over to the big barn I started hoping I could relax and do better so I could find a new home just for me. Something wonderful happened, it seemed to me they were putting harness on me. Could it be? It WAS harness, so when they led me out to the indoor arena I felt more relaxed I could hardly wait to get started. I felt like I was living a dream, because I was driving but the surface was not hard, it was soft and springy! It felt great on my legs and joints. The best part was every thing they ask me to do I knew how to do it and it was fun and easy. I did not even have to work hard, it was like a play day for me.
I heard one lady say they were going to work me driving with cones and I am sure she said I would be a star. I now look forward to when I am brought into the big barn again. I hope it is soon because I would really like to try the cones thing.
Next time I work I will let you know how it goes. This was a GREAT Day for me. Maybe I will get my forever home that everyone keeps talking about.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Illusive speaks out
By the time we stopped it was dark but I could hear other horses calling to me while I was still in the trailer. I heard one of the ladies say "hey girls are you welcoming your new friend?" I did not know people spoke horse but that lady knew what the other mares where saying to me. When I got off of the trailer there were about four mares standing looking over the fence greeting me. It sounds to me like this a good place to be at.
I hope the fact that my feet hurt do not make the ladies send me away. I heard them talking and they say that I have really bad thrush and that I will have to stay in and get medicine in my feet, so they well not be sore anymore.
I was put in a roomy stall with plenty if hay and even a touch of grain. I felt calm and I wonder how my day will be tomorrow in my new life?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Herbie the Love Bug says good bye.
It was dark when we pulled into my new home and these people turned me loose in a large indoor area and let me play. I needed to move around as I had been standing in a stall for 5 days waiting. There was really good food for me there also. I could here the other horses but I could not see them but what I could hear sounded happy, so I began to relax. In the morning I was turned out with some new horses, and they all told me there was no hard work at this farm, they would ride us but it was easy.
That very same day someone came and got me and cleaned me up, boy that felt great and I felt like a king. I was careful not to move or do something wrong as I wanted to stay at my new home. The people saddled me and a rather tall girl led me in to the indoor area that I was in last night. I have not been ridden in a long time but I tried hard to remember everything I had been taught in the past. This girl was so calm and helpful that I just relaxed and memories came pouring back to me. I think I did OK as everyone was smiling and patting AND telling me I was a good boy. I did walk and trot but they wanted me to do something else but I did not know what they wanted so I just trotted faster, I hope that was right. I did trot as fast as I could.
After the ride was over they put me in front of a warm blowing thing and my hair dried and my muscles and joints felt so good. My blanket was put back on and it was also warm, then I returned to my new friends. We all talked about what happen here and we think that if you are good you go to a new home. I have heard some of the horses here do not know much about riding and they stay here longer. I hoped I did alright.
In a few days they came and brought me back into the big barn again and this time a small girl got me ready and rode me. It was Great she did some funny things on me but I did not care as I was having so much fun with the little girl. After the ride the girl and her mom gave me lots of treats and hugs and I had the BEST day.The other horses said that was a good thing because a lot of horses that are ridden by the kids leave and get new homes. And that was what happened to me. I GOT A NEW HOME!
Last night they brought me into the big arena by myself. I wondered what was happening, but soon a big truck and trailer came to the barn and I was taken out to the trailer. The guy who took me out was the one who took pictures of me and I heard him say to me, I was a good horse and I should be good at my new home. The only thing I was sad about was I did not get to say good bye to all of my new friends. I do not know how I was so lucky to find a new home so fast and I wish more of the horses at Saddlebred Rescue could find new homes soon. The horses I was friends with were nice and really need their own homes. I am so LUCKY.
Good Bye! to all the horses and people at North Wind and I do hope the SBR horses can find new homes fast.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Jimminy Cricket chirps in with his view.
The lady groomed me for a long time and just after she saddled me up something on her made a ringing noise and she stopped talking to me and started talking into the ringy thing. After a while she took the saddle off and they put my blanket on and took me back to the other stalls. The other rescue horses were looking at me and I was so proud at how good I looked, I am sure some of the other horses were jealous.
Today it happened again they took me to the big barn and started grooming me, I saw the lady Kate from yesterday and when she saw me she gave me a treat. I think she likes me. This time I was tacked up and I was led into the indoor arena where a small girl was ready to get on me. My mind was spinning trying to remember everything I knew about being ridden. I heard them call the girl Theresa and tell her I was nice to ride so just have fun. Can you believe that! Theresa was easy to carry around and she kind of did some different things on me, my reins got loose and her arms went round and round. At first I was afraid she was falling off and I worried that I would fail and I would never find a home. But she did not fall and I think she did that on purpose, I do not know why but I am sure it was not because she was falling off.
I remembered everything but I almost for got how to canter so I messed up a little but I did finally get it, and you know what? her arms went round and round again. This time I only watched her and did not worry and everyone seemed to think I was wonderful. It is so nice to know you are good and I try so hard to do the right thing. When we stopped Theresa did the strangest thing, she stood up on me. Can you believe it? I just froze so I would not make her fall and after she did that she got off the wrong side of me and then she went under my belly, OMG I thought she was crazy but I again stood so still I did not even breath as I did not want to hurt her. After she was finished she hugged and kissed my nose and I knew I was a star.
This weekend was one of my best two days ever, I hope I can find a forever home just like Saddlebred Rescue only I would like to have more attention everyday.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
It is the mission of Saddlebred Rescue, Inc. to educate the public on concerns facing the Saddleseat breeds and save the unwanted horses from slaughter and return them to useful, productive lives.
Each year many Saddlebreds will be sold through various means. The well-meaning owner often believes that their horse is headed to a loving new home.
Although, this is true in most cases, a frightening number of Saddlebreds and Morgans end up on trucks slaughter bound to Canada and Mexico. Any horse is fair game for slaughterhouses: foals, pregnant mares, pleasure and show horses. With processed horse meat bringing over $50 a pound there is a huge market.
Our goal is to make a difference by educating the public, the horse industry, and the animal protection network who is becoming more involved in the prevention of cruelty to horses, providing alternatives/services to the dealers and auction houses, and the rehabilitation and re-homing of rescues. Saddlebred Rescue assists in the placement and care of rescues, the abused and neglected from animal law enforcement agencies, and privately owned Saddlebreds, Hackneys, and Morgans.
We believe every Saddlebred, Morgan, and Hackney deserves a safe and caring home to live out its’ life.
Saddlebred Rescue, Inc. does not pass judgment on any person or sect of people. We are here to help the horses. We understand the need for people to buy and sell horses and realize not all horses are suitable for riding or driving and not all people can afford to maintain them as companion horses. We are here to offer an alternative and strongly encourage all sellers to keep registration papers with the horse.