Monday, February 4, 2008

Shrek Speaks

I really didn’t get a chance to know you as I was only there for two days. I’m the 18 hand guy you named Shrek. The name is a good one, thank you! Last time I was around nice people, my tail was in that funny brace but that was a long time ago. They taught me how to do more than the three gaits I did naturally. When I arrived in Ohio, I wasn’t sure about people at all. These people had to be good as they gave me peppermints, my favorite! They didn’t ask me to do much just and they were really nice. I was there awhile and this strange lady came and they said she fell in love with me. Whatever! Back on the trailer and at another nice ladies barn and then the long trip to NC. I knew it would be good when I arrived as there were peppermints in my feed box.

Life is good now and everyone seems to like me. Why do they all say “HE IS BIG!”? Now they say I am the King of the Minis. The little ones like me but the ones that are closer to my size don’t have anything to do with me. The strange lady isn’t so strange now. She is the only one that understands I don’t eat one peppermint, I need 8 peppermints at once as they are so small. She comes and rides me for a few days at a time. She really likes me. There is another nice lady that rides me once a week. She says my trot really makes her work. My canter, that is the gait, I do best. Smoother than walking they say! The girls are proud of me because I can cut those tight corners in half and the smaller horses can’t bend the way I do! Everyone keeps talking about going trail riding at Blowing Rock this summer at the Moses Cone State Park. If the peppermint lady goes with me, I know it will be good! My favorite mini is the dwarf gray one. We run together in the field but mostly eat from the big round bale of hay. Every day the lesson kids come and feed us treats. I had forgotten how nice people could be to me. Thank you SBR for bringing me on my journey home.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Notes from Ninja Girl

First I would like to say Thank You for giving me a chance at a new life, well I guess at life at all. I have been waiting and waiting and I am not sure what I have done wrong but it seems no one wants me. I go out in the day with the other girls and I watch for anyone that might come and get me. I always walk up to the fence and try and look pretty. I have heard that when people may want you, that you brought into the big barn to work. I have been in the big barn a lot but something tells me it is just to ride me not that someone wants me.

Today I was brought in and Anne rode me. I liked Anne and I worked hard to remember everything I had been taught before. There were a lot of horses working and I am proud to say that did not bother me at all. I heard the ladies talking about how nice I was and they wondered why I did not have a home. I think I also heard them say hunter or sport horse whatever that means. I do know I will try and do anything the people want. While I was standing in front of the thing that makes you warm and dry I could see all the people in the ring so I stood there and looked as pretty as I could so some one would pay attention to me. I really like people and I love to be talked to.

I am not very old and I feel really healthy, no sore legs or joints. I do need shoes in front but just plain shoes are fine. I am not skinny and I have been told by a lady named Kate that I am beautiful. Every time she rides me she tells me how good and beautiful I am and she tells me it will not be long before I have a new home. So far no new home, but I still keep hoping. I do not think my name fits me, I would like the name of Princess or Angel but I did not get a cool name like that. I am just plain Ninja Girl.

Friday, February 1, 2008

June Cleaver tells her story

Hello, my name is Agape’s Legacy but my people call me June Cleaver. I came to SBR in April 2007 with my 2 week old colt. I was soo thin from providing food for my baby, and was so afraid about our future. I couldn’t work for my keep any more since I couldn’t be on the road with a baby…What would happen when I was too thin to make any more milk for my baby? What would happen to us?

Luckily, a man named Christ saw that I was in great need at the sale and that we really needed a safe haven. These wonderful ladies came to get me later and told me what a good Mommy I was and how my baby was so beautiful, and how we were going to be all right now. I looked into their eyes and finally believed that they would give us the food and care we needed.

Thanks goodness for these ladies. They brought the two of us to a place called Saddlebred Rescue, but I thought it looked like Eden. In a few days, the stress of being at the sale made my baby boy really sick. I was so worried about him! I heard the person who came out with the little ear things listen to his lungs and say that he had a terrible pneumonia, and that my baby might die if he wasn’t sent to a clinic right away for intensive care treatment. The ladies were very upset to hear this, and the fate of my precious baby rested in their hands. I heard them say that we must ask for help from our Angel Network, and the next thing I knew Beaver Cleaver and I were on a trailer bound for the hospital. These ladies saved my baby’s life with their faith that somehow the funds would be there to help us. And my faith in them was not misplaced, as money was raised from many people, including one very special angel who donated the rest of the cost, to try to save my baby. Now it was up to him. For a very long week, I helped my baby fight for his life, and we won. We won, isn't that just wonderful?.

After we got home from the hospital and little Beaver was fully recuperated, it was time for us to be placed up for adoption. My new mom and dad in KY had room in their hearts and homes for us, and plus they had 2 other young playmates for my baby to play with! We were so excited to arrive after a very long trailer ride to our new home! It was so fun watching all the babies become friends and learn to play together, and I loved getting to come up to the big barn and be groomed and fussed over, loved, and given treats. My new mom and dad spent a lot of time with little Beaver Cleaver too, teaching him his people manners, and all the things that young horses need to know. I heard them say how tall and strong and beautiful he was, and it made me so proud to be his mama.

After weaning time came, my mom and dad spent a lot of time to find the perfect home for my baby. His new mom and dad love him very much and we are all so happy he has such a wonderful place to call home.

As for me, I heard my mom say the other day that I am getting “rounder than a barrel”, whatever that means... is she saying I am getting FAT?? I see her laugh when she sees me kicking up my heels, bucking and running in the pasture with my friends. I don’t know why she thinks it is so funny until I remember back to when I was so tired and sore from trotting on the road all day that I just wanted to move around slowly, if at all. What a life I have now! All the food and love a mare could want! And no work! Well, except I did hear Mom say something about getting me “back under saddle” when it warms up (surely I didn’t hear that right). I know she won’t make me work too hard though, I have faith. The same faith that made me believe that those wonderful first ladies would not let my baby die, and who took us in and made us safe. My new Mom tells me so often how grateful she is to these ladies, too. She tells me every day how beautiful I am and how I will never again have to worry about my next meal, harsh treatment, or not having plenty of love. I got a happy ending of my very own.